How I Work
My work with clients is holistic, energetic, intuitive, and shamanic in nature. My training in energy medicine and Transpersonal Coaching means that you and I are working with your whole being—light and shadow, seen and unseen, conscious and unconscious, past and present—with the intention of healing old wounds and patterns, and expanding your level of consciousness.
I believe that all human growth should be done at the multi-dimensional, soul level. We are living in a time of great change and promise, and it is my belief that you were born here and now for a reason. We are called to participate in creating positive, life-affirming changes to our planet and our universe. This is hard work! It takes courage and commitment, so I applaud you for reading this far. I am here to coach you, facilitate a journey of healing and discovery, and help you to become and be your greatest self. I know that is who you are here to be—this world needs your light!
I typically work with intuitives, empaths, Starseeds, highly sensitive people, lightworkers, healers, and/or those on a spiritual path. My practice is gender and LGBTQ+ affirming. I work with all those called to live a life of service. I also trust that those who are meant to work with me will find me, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t feel you fit any of these broad categories. All are welcome!
To read more about me, my work with clients, spiritual practices, Starseed and dragon musings, and more...please visit my blog and follow me on Instagram (@reddragonhealing). I post regularly!

Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist
Subtle Energy/Shamanic Healing Practitioner
Transpersonal Life Coach
Angelic Reiki Master-Teacher
Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master-Teacher
Stone Medicine Practitioner
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Transpersonal Breathwork Facilitator
Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
EFT/Tapping Practitioner