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Intuitive Soul Coaching

Intuitive Soul Coaching sessions are both spiritual and healing in nature. Through a gentle process of inquiry, we work together to discover what challenges, blocks, and patterns are in the way of your soul’s growth. My style is encouraging and dynamic, and I work closely with my own intuition and spiritual guidance, in partnership with your higher self.  


Soul coaching sessions are focused on your healing and expansion, and my model incorporates the following cornerstones: embodiment and grounding; clearing and healing on all levels; connection and relationship to spirit and the subtle realms; claiming your sovereignty and sacred purpose for this lifetime (for more details, see my blog).


The tools and techniques I have gained from my years of experience in energy healing, shamanic journeying, and hypnotherapy are woven into your soul coaching sessions.


Coaching sessions are 60-75 minutes long, and are done in person or online via telehealth.  Standard fee is $125. Sliding scale is available. 

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